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Checklist for Incoming Students
Checklist for Eucor students who want to study in Freiburg.
Checklist for Outgoing Students
Checklist for Freiburg students who want to study at another Eucor university.
Checklist Mobilité Entrante
Checklist pour les étudiants venant à Freiburg dans le cadre de la mobilité Eucor
Merkblatt: Mobilitätszuschuss für Veranstaltungen + Antragsformular
Dienstreisen Wissenschaftler*innen und Promovierende Merkblatt
2021 USIAS Fellowships
Formular: Abrechnung von Fahrtkosten für Veranstaltungen
Eucor Mobility: List of Coordinators in Academic Departments
Contacts for Eucor mobility in academic departments [list in German]