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Dialogue on Internationalization | Werkstattgespräche zur Internationalisierung

With this series of events, the International Office provides the opportunity to reflect on various topics and help shape the internationalization at the University of Freiburg and within your own field of work.


Current Events

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Past Events

Online Workshop: Collaborative Online International Learning COIL/Virtual Exchange
COIL/Virtual Exchange is all about using digital tools and technology to create an online learning environment, together with colleagues from partner universities all around the globe – and thus enabling international encounters and discourses in an academic setting.

On March 24, 2021 lecturers and staff working in the field of learning and teaching at the University of Freiburg participated in an online workshop on this topic. The workshop featured an introduction by Eva Haug, educational advisor IoC and COIL/VE at the Amsterdam University of Applied Sciences, followed by two good practices of COIL/Virtual Exchange activities at the University of Freiburg; presented by Professor Judith Schlehe, Social and Cultural Anthropology, and Professor Alexandra-Maria Klein, Nature Conservation and Landscape Ecology.


Tag des Internationalen Lernens und Lehrens [in German]
Welche Formen kann internationales Lernen und Lehren annehmen und wie lässt sich das Thema noch stärker an Universitäten verankern? Diese Frage und viele mehr diskutierten rund 100 Studierende sowie Mitarbeiterinnen und Mitarbeiter der Universität Freiburg aus Lehre und Verwaltung am 9. April 2018 zusammen mit Gästen aus Australien, Japan, den Niederlanden und den USA sowie der Partneruniversitäten von Eucor – The European Campus.