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Target group - Who can apply?

Degree-seeking students of all nationalities planning to complete their degree at the University of Freiburg and to realize a self-organized and unpaid short stay abroad that complies with the regulations, see section 'Programme lines'.


Who can apply? Matriculated degree-seeking students of the University of Freiburg:

  1. who have German citizenship
  2. who are equal to Germans according to section 8 subsection 1 no. 2 ff., subsection 2, 2a, and 3 BAföG (see
  3. who are non-German students seeking a degree from the University of Freiburg.

Students in the categories 2.) and 3.) cannot apply for stays in their country of nationality or in countries where they primarily lived during the past five years and they generally have to complete 60 ECTS credits at the University of Freiburg before applying.

Please also note:

  • Bachelor's students cannot apply for this scholarship before the start of the 2nd subject-specific semester.
  • These scholarships are not meant to support your studies in Freiburg at the Albert-Ludwigs-Universität Freiburg. If you are looking for funding for any nationality as a degree-seeking student who is planning to complete the entire degree programme in Freiburg, please contact this department for further information.
  • You are not eligible to apply for this scholarship programme if you are a student at a different university (not University of Freiburg) who is planning to study abroad, an exchange student or incoming free-mover student (for one or two semesters), a doctoral candidate, or if you are going abroad via an exchange programme. Doctoral candidates can contact the GraCe´s Advising on Funding OptionsPlease contact us before applying online!
  • You have to be matriculated as a degree-seeking student at the University of Freiburg at the time of applying and also during the entire funding period abroad. When applying online, you confirm that you will reregister for all semesters that are part of your stay abroad.


In accordance with the terms of the DAAD, the application regulations are determined by each university and may be different for other universities. Depending on the duration of stay and the programme line, there are different modalities. The statements made here apply for a DAAD-PROMOS-scholarship application at the University of Freiburg.