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Calls for Application

Calls for Application (Ausschreibungen) invite University of Freiburg students to apply for a Global Exchange program and provide the necessary instructions. Active calls are published here.


Please note:

  • Typically, calls for programs in the Northern Hemisphere are published during the summer semester (usually in April or May) and have a deadline in October or November; while programs in the Southern Hemisphere are called during the winter semester and have a deadline in May or June.
  • There may be delays in the schedule. Check back frequently if a call has not been published yet.
  • Read the call fully and carefully, and follow the instructions provided therein.
      • For the Asia and Oceania programs, you can contact the coordinator for further information and for group or individual consultation after you have read the call.
      • For the U.S./Canada, Mexico and South Africa programs, you have to contact the coordinator to receive the Exchange Guide, a comprehensive guide to the application and exchange. Further individual consultation is based on the guide.
  • Students can only apply for a program that has an active call for applications published below. If a program is not called, it is not currently available. It will also be indicated here if a program will not be called at all during a specific academic year.
  • It is not possible to submit an application after the deadline has passed. There are no exceptions.
  • Calls for applications change each cycle. Make sure you read the active call for which the deadline has not yet passed.


Calls for Application


Southern Hemisphere

  • Oceania 2026:              
the call will be published during the winter semester 2024/25, deadline in May 2025
  • South Africa 2026:                           
the call will be published during the winter semester 2024/25, deadline in June 2025


Northern Hemisphere


  • Asia 2025/26:                                                                    

24 October, 2024 deadline

The call includes the contact information for the exchange coordinator. For further information/a participation in a group information session, please contact the coordinator directly.

24 October, 2024 deadline

The call includes the contact information for the exchange coordinator. Students have to contact the coordinator to receive the exchange guide in order to apply. The exchange guide is the basis for further individual advising.

24 October, 2024 deadline

The call includes the contact information for the exchange coordinator. Students have to contact the coordinator to receive the exchange guide in order to apply. The exchange guide is the basis for further individual advising.