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The DAAD (German Academic Exchange Service) helps universities in Germany facilitate short stays abroad outside the ERASMUS+ area. Degree-seeking students of the University of Freiburg can apply for DAAD-PROMOS scholarships through the International Office.


Before applying


After the application


The FAQ for the below listed topics are available here.

  • Application documents
  • Destinations
  • Financial aspects
  • General questions
  • Regulations for medical and pharmacy students


If you want to apply for a DAAD PROMOS scholarship, please get in touch with  via email beforehand. In your email, please tell us what exactly you would like to do in which institution (in the case of a stay abroad for your thesis: with which supervisors in Freiburg and abroad), in which country and from when to when, as well as what you are studying in Freiburg in which semester and for how long you will still be matriculated at the University of Freiburg.


Office hours: Office hours take place Thursdays from 10 am to 12 pm at Sedanstr. 6, 2nd floor, room 02025, only by prior appointment via email. Please write an email to  to arrange your appointment.


If you need an alternative appointment (virtual, via telephone or in person) at another time, please write us an email with the required information mentioned above and with suggested dates and times when you would like to receive advising in which form. For appointments by telephone: please indicate your telephone number and some time periods when we can contact you.


Contact persons:

For questions regarding your scholarship payment, please contact Ms. Luitgard Scheidler directly: 


For all other matters concerning the DAAD PROMOS scholarships, please contact Ms. Obert via


Since DAAD leaves determining the modalities for each programme line up to the individual universities (within certain framework conditions), we request that you refrain from contacting the DAAD and contact the International Office instead. The various scholarship options are described on the DAAD homepage. However, for Freiburg students, the University of Freiburg's announcement on this homepage regarding the PROMOS scholarships is legally binding. Please note that in 2024, not all PROMOS scholarship options described by the DAAD will be offered by the University of Freiburg and that the application modalities are determined individually by each university taking DAAD’s guidelines into account.